Point Blank is a FPS game made by PT Kreon of this Zepetto drip officially began his career in Indonesia in addition to CS, Cross Fire, etc..

Almost all gamers love it. A very interesting games this pb is the weapon that can be upgraded and modified to become more sophisticated. Make the running game more exciting and thrilling and full of curiosity.

One obstacle is the need to play MMOFPS latency internet connection with good and stable because it is very influential on the bullet that was shot right spot with the goal of life targets from a distance of several millisecond character of armor / body that is used. Not to mention almost all MMOFPS currently use channel system latency room player is affected not only from a central server but also from the master room / room creator.

Before playing games point blank (PB), we must first download the game, after that install on your computer and the final list to get the id for logging in point blank. Usually a lot of users who exchange id and password. In fact, there are some who sell it hehe ... If you are interested in buying id point blank why a lot of games, please search on the internet like in the forums and blogs specifically to sell them. Please Seacrh on google, I found a lot yesterday. Spec computer to play this online game minimum should have the following specifications:

1. CPU P4 2.4G / Athlon 2500 +
2. Ram Memory 1 gb
3. VGA 256 mb

1. The first step you have to do is download the game in advance CLICK HERE

2. After the game client downloaded, the download also partial patch point blank. Choose one of the two patches, which will be required when going to start playing the game later. I suggest downloading the full patch

3. For the installation process please read the next article on how to install it point blank. There will be given all know how to start playing the game point blank in greater detail click here