Before we sign up there are 5 conditions that we should not hard to prepare what is important is a strong will and embroidery to act ..

1. Self identity Compulsory ID cards .. lho.??. hehehe .. then if there is transfer

of money on behalf of whom hayooo ... reply may not have got my life :-)
2. Email Address
3. Blog or web content that was used english
4. after received do not click on ads on our blog or website if you do not want to be banned
5. Here direct list

1. Go to / adsense, it would appear this window

2. After the window appears as above and then click "Sign up now" the circled blue as above
3. Then the display will appear like the following registration form and fill in the data

- On Website Url column contents with a web address / blog
- In the column you can select Website Language Indonesian or English language advice

I use English because I have instantly rejected Indonesian use google he has not integrated ...
- To select the appropriate Account Type columns web / blog whether for business or individual (personal)
- In the Country of the column contents with the Indonesian territory (if you are in Indonesia)
- In column Payee name content with your name, because this check payee name as google later
- And to address your content with the truth

4. After you fill the data above, the window will appear asking if you are confident with the data

that you created. If yes then proceed
5. If successful it would appear this window

And now you just waiting for the process during 1-2 days and if accepted you will receive an e-mail confirmation from google adsense team. Good luck good luck ....!